Welcome to Violet's Website.
This site supports HTTPS (TLS 1.3) and HTTP for older devices. The HTTP version intentionally doesn't redirect to HTTPS.
Consider this site "in construction" for the forseeable future, as I don't think I can update or add content to it in a timely manner at all.
Below are topics I plan to cover. Pages not written yet will naturally be 404s.
retcom: retro computers. Not that old though, as I'm only covering Windows PCs from Windows 3.1 onwards, with focus on XP and 7.
- hw: hardware; info about the first/last/most powerful hardware capable of running each version of Windows, both with official and unofficial (modified) drivers.
- sw: software; info about the last versions of software (that I use) that run on each Windows version.
retfon: retro fones; info about mobile phones from the 2000s to just before the iOS/Android era, and related topics.
- nokia: Info about Nokia (NOT Lumia, NOT HMD) phones.
- android: Info about Android phones with a physical keypad, useful for running J2ME and Symbian games.